After the November 2016 U.S. presidential election campaign, both 2016 and 2020 Democratic Party primaries' presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and 2016 Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton apparently received a lot of money from corporate media conglomerate book publishing subsidiaries--for writing post-2016 election campaign books. The Simon and Schuster book publishing division of the CBS corporate media conglomerate, for example, published a book in 2017, titled What Happened, in which Multi-Millionaire Hillary Clinton wrote the following: "...We can't understand what happened in 2016 without confronting the audacious information warfare waged from the Kremlin... "There's nothing I was looking forward to more than showing Putin that his effort to influence our election and install a friendly puppet had failed...In 2016 OUR DEMOCRACY was assaulted by a foreign adversary determined to mislead our people, inflame our divisions, and throw an election to its preferred candidate. That attack succeeded because OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM had been slowly eroded over years... "Now that the Russians have infected us and seen how weak our defenses are, they'll keep at it...Their ultimate goal is to undermine--perhaps even destroy--Western democracy itself... "In a series of memos, I warned President Obama that...America would have to take a harder line with Putin...During the campaign, I asked my team to start working on a more AGGRESSIVE STRATEGIC APPROACH TOWARD RUSSIA...BY JULY 2016, the FBI 's ELITE NATIONAL SECURITY DIVISION in Washington had STARTED INVESTIGATING...the TRUMP CAMPAIGN..."
Most U.S. antiwar and anti-imperialist left Movement activists, however, don't believe that: 1. the 2016 Hawk Democratic Party nominee failed to win the popular and electoral college votes in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin because of some alleged Russian government/"Russiagate Conspiracy;" 2. that the U.S. government should threaten world peace by "working on a more aggressive strategic approach toward Russia;" and 3. that it was morally and politically ethical for the Democratic Obama administration's "FBI elite National Security Division in Washington" to have apparently been used "by July 2016" to start "investigating" the campaign of the GOP opponent in the November 2016 presidential election of the 2016 Democratic Party's presidential nominee. Yet in the book that the Thomas Dunne-St.Martin's Press-Macmillan Corporate book publishing subsidiary of the Germany-based Holtzbrinck media conglomerate (which was apparently founded by a German Nazi Party member and publisher of books for the German imperialist army during World War II, named George von Holtzbrinck) published in November 2018, titled Where We Go From Here, Millionaire Bernie Sanders wrote the following: "...I received an invitation to speak at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, on September 21, 2017, when I would also receive an honorary degree. This tiny university has a unique place in history as the site of Winston Churchill's famous `Iron Curtain' speech... "Here is the speech I delivered: "`...We now know that the Russian government was engaged in a massive effort to undermine...the integrity of OUR ELECTIONS and our faith in OUR OWN DEMOCRACY. "`...Today I say to Mr. Putin: We will not allow you to undermine American democracy...'"
And although most U.S. antiwar and anti-imperialist left Movement activists reject the validity of the Democratic Party's "Russiagate Conspiracy Theory," later in his 2018 Where We Go From Here book, 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries candidate Sanders wrote the following: "...Every U.S. intelligence agency...has made it abundantly clear that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election on behalf of Donald Trump and against Hillary Clinton...The intelligence committees of the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate reached the same conclusion, as did the entire Senate and House... "In other words, the debate over Russian interference in OUR 2016 election, as well as their meddling in the elections of many other democracies around the world has long been over. Everybody is in agreement--except Donald Trump. "The New York Times reported that Trump was shown highly classified intelligence two weeks before his inauguration that indicated that Putin had personally ordered complex cyber-attacks to sway the election... "On July 17 [2018] I went to the floor [of the U.S. Senate] and remarked: "`My friends today we face an unprecedented situation of a president who...refuses to acknowledge the full scope of the threat to American democracy...He is under Russian influence because of compromising information they may have on him, or because he is...more sympathetic to Russia's...form of government than he is to American democracy...' "...On July 19 [2018], Chuck Schumer and I went to the floor and presented a resolution that called for a course of action containing the following directives: "`1. The Congress must make it clear that we accept the assessment of OUR INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY with regard to Russian election interfering in OUR COUNTRY... "`2. The Congress must move AGGRESSIVELY to protect OUR ELECTION SYSTEMS from interference by Russia or any foreign power... "`3. The Congress must demand that the sanctions against Russia passed last year be fully implemented...'"
Most antiwar and anti-imperialist Movement activists who live in Cambridge, Massachusetts don't think that the Harvard University administration should be collaborating with the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA]. Yet as ProPublica website senior editor Daniel Golden observed in his 2017 book, Spy Schools: "As intelligence agencies invade universities, they've penetrated not just conferences and laboratories but the very core of the academic endeavor--the classroom. [Kenneth] Moscow...enrolled uncercover at the Kennedy School...In a single year, 1991-92, at least three CIA clandestine officers attended the Kennedy School's mid-career program, all posing as State Department employees. For decades the CIA and Harvard have concealed this practice... "...The CIA favors Harvard as a training ground for employees. It also wants to hire Kennedy School graduates, consults its professors, and cultivate its foreign students. "...The Kennedy School now swarms with former intelligence brass...Michael Morell...former CIA deputy director is a...senior fellow at the Kennedy School's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, along with ex-CIA director David Petraeus...The CIA has long had an understanding with the Kennedy School that its intelligence officers can attend programs undercover. "The Harvard Intelligence and Policy Program signified a rapprochement between the CIA and Harvard...The Kennedy School's policy of enrolling mid-career CIA officers undercover continues to the present day..."
Most U.S. antiwar and anti-imperialist Movement activists don't think that U.S. university administrations should allow the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] to recruit on their campus foreign students who attend U.S. universities in the 21st-century. Yet as ProPublic website senior editor Daniel Golden noted in his book, Spy Schools, that Henry Holt & Co. published in 2017: "Two trends have converged to create the surge in academic spying. The first is the growing intimacy between U.S. intelligence and academia...Deterred by student protests and faculty hostility during the Vietnam era, the CIA, FBI and other security agencies have returned in force, forging tenuous alliance of spies and scholars. "`September 11 led to a quiet re-engagement of a lot of the academy, with the national security community,' says Austin Long, who teaches security policy at Columbia University... "...Foreign students and professors have been pouring into the United States...There were almost one million (974,926) international students at U.S. universities in 2014-15, more than six times the 1974-75 total (154,580) and more than double that in 1994-95 (452,635)...Although the CIA is noted for its feats and failures abroad, its National Resources Division operates clandestinely in the United States, primarily recruiting foreign nationals. Henry Crumpton, who headed the division from 2003 to 2005, said that it relied on a network of `campus cooperators' numbering in the `low hundreds' to identify prospects. "`We have cooperative contacts at the universities,' Crumpton told me. `I would meet with them sometimes. These are American citizens, for the most part, or persons legally here, cooperating because they think it's the right thing to do.' "...Working from `lists of foreign students studying at U.S. universities,' one former CIA official used `a plethora of commercial aliases' to `make appointments with them,' according to his memoir, written under the pseudonym Ishmael Jones...Some CIA officers on clandestine missions pretend to be professors..."
During the 1980s a group in Poland that Lech Walesa led, called "Solidarity," was apparently secretly supported by the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] of the Republican Reagan administration. As the Chair and Director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies [CSIS]'s Transnational Threats Project, Seth G. Jones, recalled in his 2018 book, A Covert Action: Reagan, The CIA, and The Cold War Struggle in Poland: "...CIA assets also helped organize pro-Solidarity demonstrations during high-visibility events like soccer games, especially when they were broadcast on television. The CIA's...campaign helped draw Solidarity back into the global spotlight. Reagan was elated... "...CIA began channelling funds to...Polonia companies...Together Kultura and Polonia received about $450,000 per year in CIA funds. In 1985, CIA assets infiltrated a total of roughly $900,000 into Poland...In Paris...QRGUIDE...made a video history of Solidarity and sent 2,500 cassettes to Poland in 1985. "...In 1986...CIA assets sent more than $1 million to...Solidarity...A growing percentage of this aid was for video-related equipment...CIA operatives also arranged satellite telecasts into Poland from Western Europe... "...Throughout 1985 and 1986, the CIA provided funds for demonstrations...On may 1, 1985...15,000 people in Warsaw and 2,000 in Gdansk spilled onto the street to support Solidarity..."(end of article)
During the 1980s a group in Poland that Lech Walesa led, called "Solidarity," was apparently secretly supported by the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] of the Republican Reagan administration. As the Chair and Director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies [CSIS]'s Transnational Threats Project, Seth G. Jones, recalled in his 2018 book, A Covert Action: Reagan, The CIA, and The Cold War Struggle in Poland: "The CIA promoted the Solidarity logo around the world and helped manufacture and distribute Solidarity buttons, T-shirts, key chains, and other items--much like a public relations firm...With Malzahn's oversight, CIA case officers and assets helped organize demonstrations in roughly 20 countries... "The CIA stations in Mexico City and Paris were particularly active. CIA case officers and their networks helped place articles in over two dozen Mexican newspapers; provided financial assistance for pro-Solidarity demonstrations, organized a half dozen television and radio interviews with Miroslav Dominczyk, one of Solidarity's founders; helped arrange a dozen press conferences with Dominczyk; and distributed over 70,000 bulletins across the country... "The overseas hub of QRHELPFUL remained Paris, where QRBERETTA--the covert action program that began in 1950 to support...Kultura--had been one of the CIA's first-ever political programs. The CIA asset...QRGUIDE, who worked closely with CIA case officer Celia Larkin, helped plaster Metro stations with 40,000 stickers urging Parisians to the Polish ambassador...Also arranged for French television to broadcast taped interviews with Solidarity leaders...One of the...demonstrations was organized by a CIA Paris station cooperation with the French labor confederation Force Ouvriere (Workers' Force)...Thanks to these and other efforts, Poland and...Solidarity continued to be covered in newspapers, magazines, and radio and television programs.. "...Several additional CIA stations played roles in supporting QRHELPFUL. They included Rome, London, Brussels, and Bonn, as well as smaller CIA offices in West Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, and Frankfurt. Other CIA hubs included Lisbon, Portugal and Bern, Switzerland--which had mostly supporting roles. "Several wealthy Europeans provided cover for the large sums of money flowing into...Poland-related activities...The CIA recruited a Portuguese businessman...who mounted pro-Solidarity demonstrations and served as what the CIA called an `agent of influence.'..."(end of part 6).
During the 1980s a group in Poland that Lech Walesa led, called "Solidarity," was apparently secretly supported by the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] of the Republican Reagan administration. As the Chair and Director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies [CSIS]'s Transnational Threats Project, Seth G. Jones, recalled in his 2018 book, A Covert Action: Reagan, The CIA, and The Cold War Struggle in Poland: "...The 4-page weekly Tydognzk Mazoustoe...received...covert assistance from the CIA...Solidarity's...transmitters filled the airwaves with messages...On April 12, 1982...citizens in Warsaw heard the inaugural broadcast of Radio Solidarity...Supported by covert CIA funds, Radio Solidarity went on the air from multiple, roving locations...Two CIA-supported publications, Kultura and Aneks, opened their pages... "...The CIA entrusted...a few Catholic officials to bring money into Poland as part of QRHELPFUL...By late 1984, QRHELPFUL's infrastructure was operating at full capacity. Within the International Activities Division at CIA headquarters, Dick Malzahn remained head...He would eventually be replaced by Boyd Bishop...The CIA ramped up its media campaign to aid Solidarity. The CIA's International Activities Division boasted a worldwide covert action infrastructure of media assets and outlets to distribute a pro-Solidarity message. Malzahn's group aimed to organize political demonstrations inside--and outside--Poland..." (end of Part 5)
During the 1980s a group in Poland that Lech Walesa led, called "Solidarity," was apparently secretly supported by the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] of the Republican Reagan administration. As the Chair and Director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies [CSIS]'s Transnational Threats Project, Seth G. Jones, recalled in his 2018 book, A Covert Action: Reagan, The CIA, and The Cold War Struggle in Poland: "Dick Malzahn and other CIA operatives overseeing QRHELPFUL...had assets. But how would they infiltrate money and material into Poland?...Since a direct hand-off of aid from CIA to Solidarity would have risked discovery, case officers and their assets used `ratlines,' in CIA parlance...The operatives utilized smugglers, philanthropists, publishers, and others to move supplies into Poland...The use of assets maximized secrecy by hiding the hand of the CIA... "Sweden was a primary point of origin for QRHELPFUL infiltration. Somewhere between one quarter and one half of all material entering Poland arrived from Sweden...In 1983 [U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Director] Bill Casey flew to Sweden to ask Prime Minister Olof Palme for assistance. Casey wanted to establish a pipeline to funnel supplies to Solidarity on a regular basis...Palme agreed to help. The CIA now had top cover to use ports, ships, and smugglers to move material to...Solidarity... "...The CIA obligated nearly $1.5 million to Solidarity in fiscal year 1983...In Bonn, a German CIA asset...codenamed QACARROTTOP, passed CIA money from his foundation to a Catholic clergyman...QACARROTTOP also gave funds to the Solidarity offices in Paris and Brussels using CIA money masked as foundation donations...Moscow and Warsaw were accurate in assuming the CIA was involved in aid to opposition groups..." (end of Part 4)
During the 1980s a group in Poland that Lech Walesa led, called "Solidarity," was apparently secretly supported by the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] of the Republican Reagan administration. As the Chair and Director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies [CSIS]'s Transnational Threats Project, Seth G. Jones, recalled in his 2018 book, A Covert Action: Reagan, The CIA, and The Cold War Struggle in Poland: "In January 1983, John Stein, the CIA's deputy director for operations, sent a memorandum to the CIA comptroller asking for...$1 jump-start covert aid to Solidarity...Overall, Stein asked for several types of support to help Solidarity, which totaled roughly $2 million: $600,000 for communications equipment, $300,000 for printing material, $100,000 to assist the families of Solidarity prisoners, over $500,000 for Solidarity members living outside of Poland and more than $400,000 for propaganda... "On March 1, 1983, the CIA assigned the Polish program a cryptonym, QRHELPFUL, along with its own file and financial authorization numbers. CIA headquarters, back in the United States, ran QRHELPFUL. But the CIA's Paris station, based out of the U.S. embassy, was a key hub. Other CIA stations in Western Europe and Latin America were also involved in Solidarity support activities, especially London and Bonn... "Assets...were essential to the success of the CIA's covert action program in Poland. Celia Larkin and other CIA case officers began a sustained effort to recruit individuals...including human rights activists, underground smugglers, and philanthropists. The CIA gave them codenames like QACARROTTOP and QTOCCUR...By mid-1983, QRHELPFUL had increased to roughly 20 assets. Over the next year, the number of assets rose to around 30. These assets were divided into 3 categories. The first were covert action assets, who conducted a broad set of activities...The next were media assets...These individuals were involved in influencing day-to-day media coverage by publishing articles or talking to reporters, as well as organizing political demonstrations in Europe...The final category included the surrogate funders, who helped raise money and moved it through clandestine human networks to Solidarity officers and individuals in Poland, Belgium, and other countries throughout Europe... "...The CIA now began devoting funds to...purposes like buying communications equipment for...Solidarity...The CIA's covert aid to Solidarity was secret...The program had to be secret, Reagan concluded, because public awareness of CIA support could severely undermine Solidarity's legitimacy..." (end of Part 3)
During the 1980s a group in Poland that Lech Walesa led, called "Solidarity," was apparently secretly supported by the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] of the Republican Reagan administration. As the Chair and Director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies [CSIS]'s Transnational Threats Project, Seth G. Jones, recalled in his 2018 book, A Covert Action: Reagan, The CIA, and The Cold War Struggle in Poland: "`CIA officials had been discussing covert assistance to Solidarity since the beginning of the Reagan administration...Overt assistance, [CIA Director William] Casey feared, might undermine the legitimacy of Solidarity by tying it too closely to the United States...On September 29, 1982, the White House convened a working group in the Situation discuss supporting moderate elements within Solidarity... "`On November 4 [1982], President Reagan held a National Security Planning Group meeting to discuss covert action in Poland...After a short discussion, Reagan agreed to a presidential finding to provide money and nonlethal equipment through surrogate third parties, hiding the U.S. government hand. The finding also authorized the CIA to conduct clandestine radio broadcasting into Poland. The goals were limited: to aid the organizational activities of Solidarity and other Polish opposition groups... "`...The CIA ensured that the Polish finding remained classified...The CIA then went to Capitol Hill to brief staff members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. QRHELPFUL was born...Solidarity was cash and material-starved. CIA help was critical...Dick Malzahan and other CIA officers worked to get the covert program off the ground...'"(end of part 2)
During the 1980s a group in Poland that Lech Walesa led, called "Solidarity," was apparently secretly supported by the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] of the Republican Reagan administration. As the Chair and Director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies [CSIS]'s Transnational Threats Project, Seth G. Jones, recalled in his 2018 book, A Covert Action: Reagan, The CIA, and The Cold War Struggle in Poland: "Reagan acted deliberately...One of the...decisions was to sign a presidential finding on November 4, 1982, which approved a CIA covert action program to provide money and other...assistance to Solidarity. The program was named `QRHELPFUL.'...It required the CIA to recruit assets, establish a covert network, and aid a resistance movement... "...QRHELPFUL was one of the United States' most successful covert action programs, yet also one of its least known...The CIA provided money and resources to organize demonstrations, print opposition material, and conduct radio and video transmissions that boosted opposition support and morale...QRHELPFUL was also cost-effective; the total bill amounted to less than $20 million (or roughly $40 million in today's dollars)...The CIA helped Solidarity survive... "...There has been little written publicly about the CIA's covert action program in Poland...Most...American historians assume Reagan's actions ended with economic sanctions..." (end of part 1)